Our Self-Evaluation Report and Improvement Plan 2019/2020
Our Focus on SSE at St Brendan’s for this year is:
- Using SSE to create our new DEIS Plan 2020-2023. We will be engaging with all our school partners. We will be using the Looking At Our Schools 2016 (LAOS) in planning our strategies going forward.
- taking 2 Domains from LAOS document and devising a strategy to implement them.
- Dimension – Teaching and Learning: Domain 2 Learner Experiences:
Students grow as learners through respectful interactions and experiences that are challenging and supportive. - Dimension – Leadership and Management: Domain 1 Leading Teaching and Learning
Promote a culture of improvement, collaboration, innovation and creativity in learning, teaching, and assessment
This is what we are now going to work on
We have set up a DEIS plan committee with a lead person for each section of the plan. We will apply the six steps of SSE in forming the Targets for each section. Collaboration amongst all the vested interests will be applied. Suitable measures will be discussed and implemented. These will be our action plan. We will Evaluate the plan annually and adjust targets measures to suit.
We will also be surveying the school community to do an evaluation of Co-operative and Collaborative learning. These surveys will form the basis for Junior Cycle planning into the future. This will improve Learner Experiences for students and foster a Collaborative Approach amongst teachers.